NORDEN Tanker Pool is a market-leading product tanker pool powered by strong members and a multitude of different product tanker vessels. With decades of experience within the tanker market and as an established pool operator since 2005, NORDEN’s tanker activities have delivered significant and steady growth since its inauguration. 

Our pool services are tailored around the values and competitive edges of NORDEN, delivering value to our partners through strong returns, partner support, and by being frontrunners in utilising data and intelligence. This is based on the foundation of flexibility, ambition, reliability and empathy; all driven by our purpose of enabling smarter global trade.

Our commitments

Superior earnings to partners

Strong relationships and worldwide market coverage, combined with cost reduction enable us to deliver market-leading earnings to our pool partners. Our pool offerings leverage deep expertise from our in-house operations and chartering teams and an advanced pool point system catering to a diverse fleet

Partner support

We take ownership of issues and solve problems together.

We support you with claims handling, continuously update you on best practices of operations performance and share with you financial and market updates through our online platform The Gate.

Our highly experienced operations and chartering teams all work in-house to ensure strong communication, collaboration and agile planning.

Focused decarbonisation efforts

We are spearheading the transition towards a more sustainably focused trade, by means of modern technology and smart use of data.

Our pool model incentivises bunker effeciency and excellent vessel maintenance through directly correlated payout, and we provide full daily transparency on carbon emissions and equip our partners with insights and tools to reduce emissions.

Intelligent use of data

Using more than 9.4 billion data points to improve performance

We are positioned to capture value for our members through competent decision-making supported by in-house systems developed by our Advanced Analytics & Digital Solutions team

Data collected from our operating world fleet with 15,000 vessels

Based on years of historical data, we use our in-house model to search for patterns and trends, recognising which factors lead to a better performance

Data as the foundation of our pool point model

Input for calculation of pool points is based on vessels' performance data, supporting the output and removing ambiguity

Leveraging digital strength for increased transparency

Leveraging digital strength for increased transparency on carbon emissions to our members via pre-voyage and post-voyage reports

Enhanced pool point model

Anchored in our strong core principles, we offer an enhanced pool point model that is dynamic, transparent and data-driven, to the benefit of our partners.

With the enhanced model, we are now able to also provide our partners with:
- Higher responsiveness to performance and market changes
- Forecasting-based pricing model
- Pool points published monthly
- Daily forecasted pool points for the next month
- No retroactive pool points adjustments
- Data-driven methodology for pool point calculation when insufficient vessel data

Anders Birk

Head of Commercial, Pool Management

Phone: +45 3271 2301
Mobile: +45 2026 4122


Nikolaj Roerbeck Lambertsen

Head of Operations, Pool Management

Phone: +45 32712306
Mobile: +45 23801932
